South Asian Society on Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (SASAT)
Vascular diseases are major contributors of morbidity and
mortality. To create awareness, develop educational and preventive programs, I
started SASAT in 1993. I felt that early diagnosis of risk, better management of
risks, and life style changes will significantly reduce the health burden of
metabolic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis
and stroke.
Heart attack usually not a bolt from blue,
Failed heart neither a one day due,
Arteries don't get blocked in a day,
Stressed inflamed plaqued and choked take years
Smoking bidi cigarette hookah for long,
Chewing tobacco gutka masala ding dong,
Strife torn life without exercise rest and song,
The fast city culture cut throat all ping pong
Eating lot of fat sweet salt fast junk food,
Harboring hostility heart burn reason no good,
Years of diabetes pressure expanding middle hood,
Ignoring chest pain breathlessness fainting spells no good
Started clean slate in utero silken unobtrusive conduit,
Continuing diehard habits coronaries clogged many times,
Rhythm thrown hay wire embracing gallows eyes shut,
Saga of heart attack tale of one's own folly and death
Prof. Sridhar Dwivedi MD PhD, Delhi University, 2010
Heart Attack
Reduced flow of blood and lack of oxygen causes injury to the
brain tissue. Block of cerebral arteries by a clot deprives oxygen to
the brain tissue and results in stroke
Reduced flow of blood and lack of oxygen causes injury to the
heart muscle. Block of the coronary arteries by a clot deprives oxygen
to the heart muscle and results in heart attack
Former President A P J Abdul Kalam at the SASAT Conference October 2004